Formation Control of Drones

The goal is to control the formation of a team of quadrotors in which the robots follow a specified group trajectory while safely changing the shape of the formation according to specifications.

click here to look insights of the project.

Home Service Robot

The goal of this project was to design a robot's environment in gazebo and program the home-service robot that will map it's environment and autonomously navigate to pre-specified pickup and drop-off locations(Performing Delivery).

click here to look insights of the project.

This Project applies the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping along with Navigation on a Mobile Robot to perform delivery. The environment is created in Gazebo, Localization is achieved by applying Particle Filter and the Navigation(path planning) is planned with Dijkstra's algorithm. All together the robot is capable of performing Autonomous home service in an unknown environment.

Go Chase the Ball!

In this project a mobile robot is built and programmed to chase a movable white ball. Image processing is applied to detect the ball. Visualization is available on Rviz and Gazebo.

click here to look insights of the project.

Implementation of RRT Algorithm with Kalman's Uncertainty of Localization

Implementation of SLAM on Urban Dataset

It is Simultaneously Localizing and Mapping of an Autonomous Car in an Urban Environment. The Dataset is provided by the KAIST and Naver Labs which contains 2D and 3D LiDAR sensors Data.

Copyright : The Data Set is used under NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Simulation of a Path Following Robot

Path Following Robot.avi

It is designed in the Simulink, using State-Flow tool Box in the Robotics Playground Environment. The Robot is capable of detecting the cone, and its color, picks it up and places it in the respective position

First Image: Simulink Model, Second Image: Robotics Playground